Extended Funding for 3 – 4 year olds
Wisbech day nursery is committed to offer *extended funding entitlement to eligible parents in recipt of a valid code which can be obtained via the Childcare Choices web site. Please ensure that codes are obtained prior to the cut of date to ensure funding can be allocated to the correct term.
Autumn term 2018 – cut off date 31st August 2018
Spring term 2019 – cut off date 31st December 2018
Summer term 2019 – cut off date 31st March 2019
Autumn term 2019 – cut off date 31st August 2019
Spring term 2020 – cut off date 31st December 2019
Codes allocated after the cut off dates will result in funding not being accessed until the following term.
Please contact the nursery to discuss your requirements in more detail.
*Sessions times are at the discretion of Wisbech Day Nursery